These are our terms and conditions for the use of our website and the purchase of products through the website.
If you have any queries about these terms, please contact us using the contact form.
The terms and conditions herein together with any notices or conditions on other areas of this website will all together govern use by customers of this website. You should note that may at any time make changes to or remove part of this website without any liability to customers for such changes. reserves the right to change these terms and conditions in the future without specifically notifying customers and continued use of the website or placing of orders after such changes shall be deemed to be acknowledgement and acceptance thereof.
A contract will only come into existence between you the customer and us once your order has been processed and dispatched.
When you as a customer place an order via this website, you warrant by placing the order that:
- You are not a minor or otherwise legally incapable of entering into a binding contract.
- The personal details which you give us on registration are fully complete and accurate.
- You are not using a false name or the name of any other person or body which you are not authorised to use.
Placement of an order
When you place your order you are doing so in acceptance of these terms and conditions and it is important that you have read them before you go ahead and order.
Cancelling an order
As a customer, you are free to cancel an order within 14 days and will be refunded amount of your order to their account the order originally was paid from.
Acceptance of an order
When an order is placed you will get an order confirmation sent to the email address you provided during checkout, containing information about order content, prices.
Processing Time
Creating the ordered products takes time and it differs between products, (3-5days)
Please be patient while you awayt for your order to be made and shipped. :)
You as a buyer are free to choose from mentioned and at the time relevant delivery option(s). assumes no responsibility for damages during transport or damages caused from any delays beyond its control:
- Pickup at store
- With post (inside Slovenian and international )
Returns Policy accepts returns within 14 days if products are not used, changed, washed or otherwise manipulated. Products need to be returned in original packaging.
No products may be returned to without the prior written consent of and are subject to a return charge.
We try to have the information on this website as accurate as possible but we make no warranties, whether express or implied, regarding its accuracy. We also do not make any warranties regarding any matters relating to the use of this website and it is a matter for you to ensure that your own equipment is protected from viruses or other external factors.
Your rights are protected by the Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act, 1980, and also the Consumer Protection Act, 2007, where you are a consumer. Nothing in this website shall affect your rights under the applicable law.
If any of these terms and conditions shall prove to be void, unlawful, or unenforceable for any reason then such term or condition shall be deemed to be severed from the remaining terms and conditions which shall remain valid and enforceable.
If any provision of these terms and conditions shall be unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable then that provision shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.
To so naši pogoji in določila za uporabo našega spletnega mesta in nakup artiklov prek spletnega mesta.
Če imate kakršna koli vprašanja o teh pogojih, se obrnite na nas prek obrazca za stik.
Pogoji in določila, navedena tukaj, skupaj z morebitnimi obvestili ali pogoji na drugih razdelkih tega spletnega mesta bodo vsi skupaj urejali uporabo tega spletnega mesta s strani strank. Upoštevati morate, da trgovina lahko kadar koli naredi spremembe ali odstrani del tega spletnega mesta brez kakršne koli obveznosti strankam za takšne spremembe. si pridržuje pravico do spremembe teh pogojev in določil v prihodnje brez posebnega obvestila strank in nadaljnja uporaba spletnega mesta ali oddaja naročil po takšnih spremembah se šteje, da so s tem priznane in sprejete.
Pogodba bo stopila v veljavo med vami kot stranko in nami, ko je vaše naročilo obdelano in poslano.
Kadar vi kot stranka oddate naročilo prek tega spletnega mesta, z oddajo naročila jamčite, da:
- Niste mladoletna oseba ali drugače pravno nezmožni vstopiti v zavezujočo pogodbo.
- Osebni podatki, ki nam jih predložite pri registraciji, so v celoti popolni in točni.
- Ne uporabljate lažnega imena ali imena katere koli druge osebe ali organa, za katerega niste pooblaščeni za uporabo.
Oddaja naročila
Ko oddate naročilo, s tem sprejmete te pogoje in določila, zato je pomembno, da jih preberete, preden se odločite in naročite.
Preklic naročila
Kot stranka lahko naročilo prekličete v 14 dneh in povrnjen znesek nakupa boste prejeli na račun, ki ste ga uporabili za plačilo.
Sprejetje naročila
Po oddaji naročila boste na e-poštni naslov, ki ste ga navedli med zaključkom nakupa, prejeli potrditev naročila, ki bo vključevala podatke o vsebini naročila in cenah.
Čas obdelave
Izdelava izdelkov se časovno razlikuje med samimi izdelki. (3-5 dni).
Prosim za potrpežljivost medtem, ko čakate, da vaše naročilo izdelam ter ga pošljem. :)
Kot kupec lahko izbirate med omenjenimi in v tistem času ustreznimi možnostmi dostave. Trgovina ne prevzema nobene odgovornosti za poškodbe med transportom ali poškodbe, povzročene zaradi zamud, na katere nima vpliva:
- Prevzem v trgovini
- Preko pošte (znotraj Slovenije in izven)
Pravilnik o vračilih sprejema vračila v 14 dneh, če artikli niso uporabljeni, spremenjeni, oprani ali drugače prirejeni. Artikli morajo biti vrnjeni v originalni embalaži.
Nobeni artikli se ne smejo trgovini vrniti brez vnaprejšnjega pisnega soglasja trgovine in so predmet nadomestila za vračilo.
Trudimo se skrbeti, da so informacije na tem spletnem mestu čim bolj točne, toda ne dajemo nobenih garancij, izrecnih ali eksplicitnih, glede njihove točnosti. Prav tako ne dajemo nobenih garancij glede zadev, povezanih z uporabo spletnega mesta, in sami morate zagotoviti, da je vaša oprema zaščitena pred virusi in drugimi zunanjimi dejavniki.
Vaše pravice ščiti zakon o prodaji blaga in opravljanju storitev iz leta 1980 (Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act 1980) in zakon o varstvu potrošnikov iz leta 2007, kadar ste vi potrošnik. Nič na tem spletnem mestu ne vpliva na vaše pravice v skladu z veljavno zakonodajo.
Če se izkaže, da je kateri od teh pogojev in določil neveljaven, nezakonit ali neizvedljiv zaradi kakršnega koli razloga, potem se tak pogoj ali določilo loči od preostalih pogojev in določil, ki ostanejo v veljavi in pravnomočni.
Če je katera koli določba teh pogojev in določil nezakonita, neveljavna ali zaradi katerega koli razloga neizvedljiva, potem se ta določba šteje kot ločena in ne vpliva na veljavnost ali pravnomočnost preostalih določb.